Soooo what is this?

Soooo what is this?

If you’ve somehow made it this far into my personal website, I want to say thank you. Please, feel free to browse around the different pages and increase my average view time per page 😉 hahaha.

Really though, I hope that you like my site and what I (plan to) post on here. Aside from making this my personal portfolio, I want to also use this is as a medium to express myself. I like a lot of things: shoes, clothes, basketball, M&M’s, technology, food, traveling, exploring, current events, etc. I find myself always coming up with ideas or unsolved questions that I want to bounce off of other people.

Sometimes I also want to spread some knowledge or wisdom, or even receive some myself. This personal blogging is new to me, so I’m interested to see if I’ll like writing my thoughts out or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is just the intro, let me not get ahead of myself (one time for Champagne Papi). As thoughts pop into my head, I will come back and pick your brainz.

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